Person Profile

Person Profile


The Person Profile content type provides a standard format for displaying information about faculty, staff and students across KU websites. The profiles are very flexible and contain fields for many types of information.

In addition to manual entry Person Profile information can be pulled in from Faculty Insight, if the individual has an active Faculty Insight account.

Profiles Use Default Content Type

  • Person profiles for faculty and staff must use the Person Profile content type.
  • Custom profile views are allowed.
  • Profile images must be 180px x 225px or larger.
    • Alt text for person profiles should be the person's first and last names.
      • Do not include the person's title. That information will be read by a screen reader as part of the page.

Profile Directories

Once you have created Person Profiles, KU CMS - Sunflower offers two options for person profile directories:

  • Default Searchable Directories
  • Body 13 - Profile Directories

See Profile Directories for more information.

Use Jayhawk Placeholder if No Profile Image Available

Both the Person Profile and Body 13 - Profile Directory are designed to work with an image present.

If there is no profile image available for a profile on your site, we recommend using this Jayhawk Placeholder Image instead of leaving it blank. 

Student Information

There are two common types of student profiles:

  • Student Profile – Students who are not employed by KU. Since they are not KU employees, there is no inherent expectation that their information will be shared publicly.
  • Student Employee Profile - There may be an expectation as a condition of employment that their information be made available publicly.

Student Profiles (Non-Employee)
Hosting profile information for students who are not also KU employees should be done with caution. If you choose to include this type of student profile on your KU CMS site, please consider the following:

  • KU student contact information is not available to the public. Student information via the KU Online Directory: People Search is only available to KU faculty, staff and students. You need to be a KU community member to search for students in the directory.
  • Students should be explicitly informed that their information will be shared on a public website. And, students should be explicitly given the ability to opt-out.
  • All content related to current and/or former students must be reviewed frequently to avoid out-of-date content.
  • Out-of-date content about former students can be a problem for those individuals as they try to establish and manage their professional online presence after graduation.
  • The inclusion of contact information for students is not recommended. If you elect to do so, please provide students with information about what is expected of them if they are contacted by an external party.

How To's

Create a Person Profile Manually

* Indicates required field

  1. Go to Content > +Add Content > Person Profile
  2. Enter a Display Name*. This should be the persons full name as it should appear in lists of content.
  3. Select Profile Type*. If needed, add another by selecting Other in Profile Type and typing your new option in the field Other Profile Type.  
  4. In Personal Information, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Prefix
    2. First Name/Initial
    3. Middle Name/Initial
    4. Last Name*
    5. Suffix
    6. Nickname
    7. Title(s) –Select Add another item to add additional titles. 
    8. Photo – Select Browse to add a file from your computer. Select Open File Browser to add an image in the IMCE File Browser.
    9. Within Links and Attached Files complete the following fields as needed:
      1. ORCID ID – Enter the ORCID URL
      2. Personal Links:
        1. URL
        2. Link text – Select Add another item to add additional personal links
        3. Attach a CV or Other File – Select Browse to add a file from your computer
    10. Appointment link – If the person uses an appointment service, add the URL
  5. In Contact Information, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Campus Address:
      1. Building and Room
      2. University/Campus
      3. Street Address
      4. City
      5. State
      6. Zip Code
      7. Select Add another item to add a second Campus Address
    2. Email:
      1. Label – Enter an optional label (e.g., Email, Secondary Email, etc.)
      2. Email* – Enter the email address
      3. Select Add another item to add additional entries
    3. Phone:
      1. Label – Enter an optional label (e.g., Phone, Lab Phone, Cellphone, etc.)
      2. Phone Number
      3. Extension
      4. Select Add another item to add additional entries
  6. In Background Information, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Background/Current Activities
    2. Education:
      1. Degree (To add a degree type to this list for your site see Add a Degree Type to the Person Profile on Your Site below)
      2. Emphasis/Major
      3. Institution
      4. Location of Institution
      5. Year Completed
      6. Honor/Distinction
      7. Select Add another item to add additional entries
      8. Select Highest Degree Received to indicate which entry is highest
  7. In Academics, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. College or Department and School or Area
      1. College or School
      2. Department or Area
      3. Select Add another item to add additional entries
    2. Teaching Description
    3. Teaching Key Words
    4. Specialization(s)
    5. Service Description
  8. In Research, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Research Description
    2. Research, Scholarly or Creative Work Key Words
    3. Selected Publications
    4. Presentations
    5. Contracts, Grants, Fellowships and Other Funded Activity
  9. In Creative Activity, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Artistic Works, Residencies, Compositions and Performances
    2. Exhibitions
  10. In Memberships, Honors and Awards, complete the following fields as needed:
    1. Memberships
    2. Awards and Honors
  11. Filter terms – Leave blank in most cases. Used for custom view displays.
  12. Tags – Enter tags to create profile groupings (e.g., faculty, staff, emeritus, department-name, etc.) for Profile Directories and custom view displays.

Create a Person Profile with Faculty Insight

  1. Add Content > Person Profile
  2. Complete the Display Name and Profile Type fields
  3. Toggle open Faculty Insight section
  4. Select the checkbox for Import fields from Faculty Insight
  5. Enter the person’s KU Online ID and wait for the field to find that person and display their name in the autocomplete dropdown menu below the field. You must select a person from the autocomplete dropdown menu to select that person. The individual must have an active Faculty Insight account to be found by this field.
  6. Select the person’s name from the dropdown menu
  7. Import Faculty Insight fields:
    1. To import all Faculty Insight fields, select the checkbox for Enable/Disable all Faculty Insight fields
    2. To import select fields, select the checkboxes next to the specific fields you want to import
  8. Complete any additional remaining Person Profile fields
  9. Save

What is Faculty Insight?

Faculty Insight lets faculty manage their scholarly activity records pertaining to teaching, research, and service. 

Access: KU Faculty


  • Provides faculty with a central profile of research activities from the Academic Analytics database, augmented by data from AIRE and self-entered data
  • Generates faculty Promotion & Tenure CVs supporting P&T processes and annual evaluations, and helps locate potential external reviewers
  • Creates various accreditation reports (currently in development) Helps faculty identify potential funding opportunities and research collaborators
  • Configurable for integration into faculty web profiles

For more details, visit the KU Faculty Insight page at AIRE here

Faculty Insight Known Issues

For information about known issues with Faculty Insight and KU CMS Sunflower integration, see Faculty Insight - Common Issues.

Add a Degree Type to the Person Profile on Your Site

See the instructions below to add additional degree types to your site's Person Profiles. Changes made to your site’s Degree types taxonomy impacts your site only. Your Degree types taxonomy changes will not appear on other KU CMS sites.

  1. Go to: Structure > Taxonomy
  2. Locate Degree Types in the “Vocabulary Name” column and select List terms in the “Operations” column.
  3. Select + Add term – blue button at the top of the “Degree Types” page
  4. Enter the degree name in the Name field
  5. Leave the Description field blank and leave all other fields set to their defaults.
  6. Save
  7. Repeat as needed

You should now be able to select your new degree option in the Education > Degree field on the Person Profile content type.