Events 2 – Three-Column w/Images
Events 2 – Three-Column w/Images
This section displays three-columns of events with images imported from the KU Calendar with a headline, and link to see all events. The date, event title and description are displayed along with the event image.
Fields and Character Limits
*required fields
- Character Limit: Recommended limit of 70 characters including spaces.
- Help Text: Enter the headline text. There is a recommended limit of 70 characters including spaces. This field renders as an <h2>. See Headers for guidelines and best practices for headlines and sub-headlines.
Localist Code*
- Help Text: Paste the Localist embed code here.
All Events Link*
- Help Text: Enter the URL for the All Events Link in the lower right corner of the section display. The link title is fixed and cannot be configured. Start typing the title of a piece of content to select it. You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add or an external URL such as Enter <front> to link to the front page. Enter <nolink> to display link text only
Available Style Options
- See Localist Build a Widget
Where Can You Use This Section?
The section is available in the following templates and content types:
- Marketing
- Start
Content types
- Content Page
- Landing Page
To generate a Localist code
To generate a Localist code
- Go to the Build an Events Widget
- Select from the following:
- Template:
- Select CMS D8 Upcoming Events (3 events horizontal w/images)
- Number of Results: Section can display a maximum of six events
- Days Ahead
- Template:
- Departments – Select field to show dropdown menu
- Places – Select field to show dropdown menu
- Event Type – Select field to show dropdown menu
- Target Audience – Select field to show dropdown menu
- Topic/Audience – Select field to show dropdown menu
- NCAA Athletic – Select field to show dropdown menu
- Keywords and Tags – Enter any keywords or tags to limit your display to include only events with specific keywords or tags
- Only Show Featured (checkbox)
- Only Show Sponsored (checkbox)
- Include All Matching Instances (checkbox)
- Hide Past Events (checkbox)
- Content Must Match – Select field to show dropdown menu
Excluded Content
- Event Type
- Target Audience
- Topic/Interest
- NCAA Athletic
Display Options
- Include Styles – Leave checked by default
- Select Generate Embed Code
Copy the embed code and paste it into the Localist Code Field
Using on a cloneable Marketing or Start Template
- Locate Events 2 – Three-Column w/Images in the Body area
- Select Edit
- Replace the placeholder Headline
- Replace the placeholder Localist Code
- Replace the placeholder Events Link
- Select Save at the bottom left of the page
Adding to a new Content or Landing Page
- In the Body area, select Add Body Section
- Select Events 2 – Three-Column w/Images, select Add
View ScreenshotSelect Events 2 – Three-Column w/Images, select Add - Enter the Headline
- Paste the Localist Code
- Enter the Events Link
- Select either Save as Draft or Published with the drop-down menu
- Select Save at the bottom left of the form
- Avoid link text like Click Here, Learn More and More. See Links for more info, including accessibility concerns, examples and best practices.
Guidelines and Best Practices
- For more information about Localist Events Widget, see Widget Guide
- Headline field is limited to 70 characters including spaces.
- This section requires a pre-existing Localist calendar to generate required embed code.
Removing a Section
To permanently remove a section from a page:
- Select the vertical ellipsis to the right of the Edit button at the top-right of your section, select Remove
View ScreenshotSelect the vertical ellipsis to the right of the Edit button at the top-right of your section, select Remove - Select Save at the bottom left of the form