Body 18 - News Card Group

This section has one to four cards. Each card includes a headline, short text, an optional image and link.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: Yes
Background Color & Text: White Background with Black Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: Yes
Background Color & Text: Lake Background with White Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: Yes
Background Color & Text: Light Steam Background with Black Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: Yes
Background Color & Text: Night Background with White Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: No
Background Color & Text: White Background with Black Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: Featured News
Display Images: No
Display Group Headline: No
Background Color & Text: White Background with Black Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.


Cards: 4
Display: All News Articles
Display Images: Yes
Display Group Headline: Yes
Background Color & Text: White Background with Black Text

News Card Group Headline

KU Symphony Orchestra Receives National Recognition

LAWRENCE — The University of Kansas Symphony Orchestra (KUSO), led by Carolyn Watson, conductor and director of orchestral activities, was honored earlier this month with a 2019-20 American Prize for Orchestral Performance (second place, College/University Division) for its performance of Sh

The Commons Announce Shift to Virtual Format for Red Hot Reseach

LAWRENCE — Red Hot Research will return this fall in a different setting.

KU Leading Project to Boost Social, Academic Support for Students

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of society but perhaps affected none more profoundly than education. Schools were forced to close their doors, parents became teachers, and students transitioned to all-online instruction.

New Publication Examines Food in the Time of COVID-19

LAWRENCE — Few processes have been as disrupted by the pandemic as simply eating a meal.