KU Kudos: Faculty and staff achievements, January 2025
LAWRENCE — It’s time to celebrate Jayhawk colleagues’ achievements: KU News Service staff accepted submissions and combed websites, social media and newsletters for recent external honors and awards for current faculty and staff at the Lawrence, Edwards and Medical Center campuses and affiliates.
KU Kudos is published 6-7 times a year. Have something to share? Submit by Feb. 28 for the next edition. Self-nominations are encouraged. Learn more about how to submit your professional achievements.
Norman Akers, associate professor of visual art, has been selected as the inaugural Edgar Heap of Birds Family Artist in Residence at the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Temple University. He will spend January-May 2025 in the Tyler community focusing on his artistic practice and engaging with students and faculty.
Sarah Cavanah, assistant professor of journalism, recently joined the editorial board of Journalism & Mass Communication Educator. JMCE is oldest and highest circulation scholarly journal in the world addressing education in mass communication and media fields.
Lisa Dieker, director of the Achievement & Assessment Institute’s Flexible Learning Through Innovations in Technology & Education, and James Basham, director of AAI's Center for Innovation, Design & Digital Learning, are keynote speakers at this year's Council for Exceptional Children Special Education Convention & Expo. They will co-present “Envisioning Tomorrow for All Learners: AI Revolutionizing Education.”
Courtney Fletcher, assistant professor of voice, was a featured soloist and ensemble member with the Tactus Chamber Orchestra & Vocal Ensemble in Oklahoma City for its annual performance of Handel's “Messiah” on Dec. 15.
Shreena Gandhi, KU Medical Center-Wichita resident, was awarded the Emerging Investigator Award by the American College of Rheumatology during the ACR Convergence Nov. 14-19 in Washington, D.C.
Mugur Geana, professor of strategic communication, was an invited lecturer at the Public Relations executive graduate program at Quadriga University in Berlin on Nov. 18. Geana lectured online about research methods in strategic communication and using artificial intelligence for qualitative and quantitative data analysis, addressing data preparation, dedicated AI tools, ethical considerations, benefits and limitations.
Travis Goff, director of Kansas Athletics and vice chancellor, was named to Ingram's Magazine's “50 Kansans You Should Know” in November 2024.
Misty Heggeness, associate professor of public affairs & administration, was cited in the first chapter of the 2025 Economic Report of the President for her work on how child care shortages affect the labor market.
Ed Hudson, vice chancellor of Information Technology and chief information officer, has been appointed to the board of directors of EDUCAUSE. The nonprofit association advances strategic use of technology and data to further the goals of higher education.
Quincy Johnson, assistant professor in the Department of Health, Sport & Exercise Sciences, has been nominated for the National Strength and Conditioning Association's 2025 Educator of the Year Award.
Laura Klenke-Borgmann, clinical associate professor of nursing, received the 2024 Foundation for Academic Nursing Faculty Scholars Grant from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing.
Uma Outka, professor of law, served as an American Bar Association delegate to the United Nations Climate Conference (COP29) in November.
Amittia Parker, lecturer in the School of Social Welfare, was recently honored at the Council on Social Work Education in Kansas City for her article, “Black Social Workers Matter: Using Parallel Narratives to Discuss Social Work History.”
Katie Siengsukon, professor in the Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science & Athletic Training, received the Women in Rehabilitation Sciences Award during the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Jake Sosnoff, associate dean for research in the School of Health Professions, was conferred as a new fellow of the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions. The nonprofit national professional association was established to advance health professions education and discovery.
Ryan Waggoner, director of creative services for the Spencer Museum of Art, was appointed to the board of directors of the Museum Computer Network. The network is the largest international professional organization for digitally focused museum work.
Joe Walden, associate teaching professor at the School of Business, was selected to join the Academic Committee of the Association for Supply Chain Management, an international nonprofit organization that offers programming, training and thought leadership. Walden began a three-year term this month.
Yunwen Wang, assistant professor of journalism, joined the editorial board of BMC Digital Health, a Springer Nature journal that publishes research on mobile health applications, virtual health care and other communications technology.
Zijun Wang, assistant professor of pharmacology & toxicology, was elected as an associate member of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology.
Judy Watts, assistant professor of journalism, recently attended the National Communication Association conference in New Orleans to present multiple research projects, including her progress on her grant-funded work supported by the NCA Research Cultivation Grant.
Erin Winters, senior research project director at the University of Kansas Cancer Center, was elected to the Association of American Cancer Institutes Cellular Therapy Initiative Steering Committee.
Recently in the news
Ron Barrett-Gonzalez, professor of aerospace engineering, was named a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.
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